
- 晨(chén)晨晨曉 雪:時隔一年終於等來了第二季,富有哲理和感人,舞台技術(shù)有進步。
- 小魂子(zǐ): and being in love... this movie is dedicated to stanley sandler.father mentor teacher coach idol hero family's leader mom's best friend and by far the coolest guy i will have ever known. we will miss you every day, but we will always try to make you proud
- 黃岡二狗子:講道理學老電影係(xì)列真的好棒,還有熱血技校那集笑死我了哈哈哈哈哈(hā)哈!!!
- 胸毛(máo)DAAAAAA!:太有意(yì)思(sī)了!視聽(tīng)包括演(yǎn)員造型(xíng)都(dōu)棒,輕快地拋出質疑和答案-“如果我們(men)的故事不(bú)被曆史書寫,那就讓我們自己來(lái)編(biān)/創造曆史!”
- 赤水河濤濤:昨晚那兩集惡心到了 膩膩歪歪的(de)……對不(bú)起 我不行(háng)。