- 清空播放記錄

- 小月初:主旋(xuán)律太重,喬妹太矯情
- 葉(yè)海市:是,現在再看很多位接的不順(shùn),笑料因為太熟也很多笑不出(chū)來,但這部電影(yǐng)真的是拍的很好啊,人生(shēng)不就是一出(chū)悲喜劇(jù)嗎?
- 看劇吃瓜:看了5、6集,看不下去,喬妹太矯情了。另外,我感覺我不是女人、為啥我對韓劇很(hěn)難感冒,雖然之前看的星你還好(hǎo),可能(néng)是因為我個人比較鍾情演員金秀賢(xián)。好(hǎo)吧,我又想(xiǎng)起那個金秀賢了,阿西吧。。
- 瑩瑩(yíng)zjy:"It's tough 'cause I feel like there's nothing we can do about it.""We could read about it, we could get interested, we could educate ourselves and get involved in a solution.""This is the same as your work, Danny. Trying to get people interested in potentially life-saving information, that lies at the bottom of the sea, in the dark..."
- 水貨:不錯的(de)韓劇,男女主演技可以,軍(jun1)人和醫生的組合看出編劇還是想深刻一些的,最後四集爛尾。